Niburu 2012 what may Happen??
In the next few years we may see Earth changes, that may be devastating to all living creatures on the planet. It has been calculated that Planet X (Nibiru) will be returning from its 3600 year orbit around our solar system, which will bring six orbiting satellites with it.This return of Planet X may disrupt our solar system. Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, and the Earth all may be affected. Planet X will enter our solar system at the edge and cross orbits with Jupiter. Jupiter could ignite at that time and may become a sun. Nibiru will pass between the Earth on the Sun. This may cause the two suns to be seen by everyone in the world. Everyday people may be able to view the two suns by May of 2011 the latest.
On December 21, 2012 the sun, earth, and milky way may align at the galactic equator. The shortest day of the year, and the end of the Mayan calendar. This only happens after every 25,800 years! For the first time in "recorded history", our entire solar system may move Below the milky way galaxy. These combined cosmic events, may be the end of the world. About 6 billion people of the world may get destroyed through violence in just a few short years if this cosmic catastrophe occurs.
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